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    Clinical Trials

    Our clinical research department focuses on innovation and advances that improve patient health and quality of life.
    For more information please call our clinical trials office at 587-351-3025
    Request a Consultation
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    What is a clinical trial?

    Clinical trials are observations or experiments done in clinical research. Biomedical trials are usually conducted to answer specific questions, test the efficacy of a novel drug or medical device or see if there is a difference between therapies. Clinical trials are only conducted once they have received approval from a Canadian ethics committee and are monitored closely.

    What is involved for patients?

    Depending on the study, patients may receive placebo treatment, active drug therapy or only active therapy. Patients make regular monitored and scheduled visits to the clinic in order for the Clinical Trial Co-ordinators and Dermatologists to analyse the results, record data and gain insight into the therapy.

    Why be involved in a research trial?

    Clinical research helps to improve the quality of life for people suffering from certain conditions, gain insight into potential therapies or help to get these new therapies to market.

    How would I know if I would qualify to be in a clinical trial?

    Our Clinical Trial Co-ordinators follow a strict protocol to find out who would be a candidate for each trial.
    Beacon Dermatology Clinical Research Department has ongoing trials for the following skin conditions:
    • Psoriasis
    • Atopic Dermatitis
    • Eczema
    • Acne
    *A referral from your family doctor is needed to see Dr. Andrei Metelitsa or Dr. Susan Poelman. During your appointment, the dermatologist may refer you to trials if they deem you a candidate.
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