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    Contact Us Today

    Our mission statement is to create an atmosphere where patient satisfaction is our #1 goal.
    Cosmetic appointments such as laser, Botox, filler and Coolsculpting do not require a referral from your family doctor. A referral from your family doctor is required to see a dermatologist for any medical reason.
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    Beacon Dermatology

    Suite 201
    3110 17th Avenue S.W.
    Calgary, AB
    T3E 0B2

    Underground parking is available at the back of the building.

    Please Note

    A referral from your family doctor is required to see a Dermatologist in Alberta for any medical reason. Complimentary skin assessments are performed by a Certified Laser Technician and can be booked by calling our cosmetic phone number. Medical appointments cannot be cancelled using email. Please call 587-392-SKIN to change or cancel your medical appointment.
    © 2024 Beacon Dermatology
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