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    Calgary Medical Dermatologists

    Our Medical Dermatology practice consists of five Board Certified Dermatologists. A referral from a doctor is required to visit a dermatologist in Alberta. Our wait times vary during the year but generally range from 2 months to 6 months.

    Bc 005

    Helpful Tips

    • Heated underground parking is available to our patients for $4 for 2 hours. There is street parking around the building with varied availability.
    • Phones are answered Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Phones will be off during the lunch break from 12pm to 1pm.
    • The clinic is closed on all Alberta Statutory Holidays.
    • Doctor’s hours of work vary.
    • Our dermatologist’s goal is to keep on time with their appointments as your time is valuable! The physicians cannot foresee if a patient needs an immediate biopsy or extended time due to mobility issues or health concerns.
    • Our appointment reminder system is done via phone call or text by an automated system. If you would like to be notified via text please inform our friendly staff.


    A referral from your family doctor is required to see a dermatologist in Alberta.

    Urgent Skin Cancer Clinic

    Our Urgent Skin Cancer clinic will fast track you to visit a dermatologist with 15-20 business days. Your family doctor will need to mark your referral as Urgent Skin Cancer in order for it to be flagged. If your Family Doctor suspects your abnormal mole is potentially cancerous they can refer you to this clinic.

    Our Urgent Skin Cancer Clinic is ONLY for suspected skin cancer. All other conditions will be booked through our regular system.

    Wart Clinic

    Our Wart Clinic operates as early as 12:00pm to 7:00 pm, every third week. A referral from your family doctor is required prior to booking into this clinic. This clinic is closed on all statutory holidays.

    Call 587-392-SKIN to book your appointments. Wart treatments are not considered to be a cosmetic treatment and are covered by Alberta Health Care.

    HS Rapid Access Clinic

    Our HS Rapid Access Clinic provides specialized, expedited care for patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). Led by Dr. Susan Poelman and Dr. Lauren Lam—recognized leaders in HS treatment across Canada and worldwide—this clinic offers expert management for this challenging condition. A referral from your family doctor is required to access this clinic.
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