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    Calgary’s Pico Laser Facial Specialists

    The PicoSure Laser is an innovative solution for skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal available at Beacon Dermatology in Calgary. This unique laser offers results comparable to more invasive treatments without extended downtime.

    The Pico Laser Facial actively stimulates collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin texture and tone, Ideal for treating skin concerns, such as brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. It's an excellent option for busy professionals or anyone seeking quick recovery.

    Administered by Certified Laser Technicians, the treatment involves a sensation similar to small elastic snaps and typically does not require numbing. Achieve optimal results with treatments tailored to your skin type and goals.

    Book your complimentary assessment today
    Pico Laser At Beacon Derm

    How Does It Work?

    The PicoSure laser is a groundbreaking advancement in laser technology, noted by its use of ultra-fast picosecond (one-trillionth of a second) pulses. Unlike traditional lasers which rely on intense heat energy, PicoSure operates through a photomechanical effect. This means it delivers energy so rapidly that it creates a powerful pressure wave, capable of shattering targeted pigment particles, like tattoo ink or skin discolorations, into minuscule fragments.

    What sets PicoSure apart is its dual-action approach. It's not just exceptional at dispersing pigments; it also prompts the skin's natural healing . This stimulation leads to increased production of collagen and elastin, vital components for youthful, resilient skin.

    PicoSure is effective in treating a range of skin issues, from reducing wrinkles and fine lines to improving overall skin texture and tone.

    This precise and gentle method results in fewer side effects and less downtime compared to traditional laser treatments, making PicoSure a preferred choice for patients seeking efficient and effective cosmetic skin solutions.

    Pico Laser Facial Details

    Treats: Brown Spots, Freckles, Fine Lines, Unwanted Tattoos

    Areas: Most areas on the body

    Duration: 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the area

    Downtime: 1-2 hours

    Performed by: Certified Laser Technician

    Pair with: Medical Grade Skincare


    Full Face: $900

    Package of 3: $2,000

    Why Choose Beacon Dermatology for Your Pico Laser Facial?

    Choose Beacon Dermatology for your Pico Laser Facial for a transformative skin care journey. Our clinic stands out for its exceptional expertise in laser technologies, particularly the advanced PicoSure laser. Our team of Board-Certified Dermatologists, with over 20 years of clinical experience, have honed their skills in delivering precise, effective treatments.

    At Beacon Dermatology, we prioritize your skin's health and beauty, utilizing our state-of-the-art facility to ensure optimal results. Our commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in dermatological care, makes us the preferred choice for those seeking next-level expertise in skin rejuvenation.

    Who Are Good Candidates for This Facial?

    Pico Laser Treatment is ideal for individuals looking to address specific skin concerns such as acne scars, pigmentation issues, fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, and uneven texture. Safe for all skin types, including darker complexions, this laser treatment is less likely to cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.

    Candidates should have realistic expectations, understanding that perfection may not be achievable and multiple sessions could be necessary for best results. Optimal outcomes are often seen in those who maintain a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine, including regular sunscreen use. It's important that candidates have no active skin infections. Pregnant women are generally advised against this treatment.

    As a safe, FDA-approved procedure, Pico Laser offers a trusted solution for skin rejuvenation.

    Expected Results

    After undergoing Pico Laser Treatment, you can expect a noticeable improvement in skin texture and appearance. Results can vary, but many patients see significant enhancement in skin clarity and smoothness.

    For a comprehensive understanding of what Pico Laser Treatment can do for you, delve into the details with our informative blog post: Everything to Know About the Pico Laser Treatment. Here, you'll find in-depth insights into the procedure, helping you set realistic expectations for your skin transformation journey.

    Get Started Today

    Beacon Dermatology stands as Calgary's premier destination for laser treatments that promise radiant, beautiful results. Boasting a team of experienced medical professionals and equipped with cutting-edge technology, we are at the forefront of delivering treatments that enhance your skin's health and vitality. Discover the difference with our advanced Pico Laser treatment.

    Book a consultation with us today or reach out for more information on how Beacon Dermatology can illuminate your skin's natural beauty.

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