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    What You Should Expect Before and After Ultherapy: Beacon Explains

    Posted on October 25, 2023
    by Beacon Derm
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    The findings are clear.

    Whether through meticulous case studies or thorough research, Ultherapy has consistently proven to be an outstanding choice for achieving skin tightening goals.

    This non-surgical approach, free from incisions and characterized by minimal to no downtime, makes Ultherapy the ideal option for those seeking the benefits of firmer, more toned, and healthier-looking skin without the need for surgery.

    ultherapy before and after at beacon
    Before and After: Ultherapy in the neck and chin region

    At Beacon Dermatology, located in Calgary, Alberta, our goal is to develop comprehensive treatment plans to help you achieve natural-looking results that exceed your expectations.

    In this blog post, we’ll explore Ultherapy as an option for your skin tightening needs, as well as what you should expect before and after Ultherapy.

    Let’s dive in.

    What is Ultherapy?

    Ultherapy is a safe, non-invasive lift that uses ultrasound to naturally tighten the skin in its deeper layers. There are no needles or cutting.

    Endorsed and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada, Ultherapy provides a non-invasive, downtime-free solution for counteracting the effects of gravity on the face and neck. This means you can resume your usual activities almost immediately.

    While its primary purpose is skin tightening, Ultherapy also enhances skin texture.

    How Does Ultherapy Work?

    what does ultherapy device look like
    Ultherapy device

    Here’s a quick run-down of how Ultherapy works:

    Ultherapy harnesses heat energy for its effects, utilizing ultrasound technology to create electromagnetic waves that heat and contract collagen fibers in deeper skin layers. This process also kickstarts the production of new collagen and elastin, resulting in tighter skin.

    The overall outcome is skin tightening, along with a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines. Importantly, this method yields gradual and natural-looking results over time, avoiding an overly pulled or artificial appearance.

    What's unique is its customization potential, thanks to its variable frequencies, allowing tailoring to your specific needs, whether related to texture or laxity concerns.

    Furthermore, Ultherapy stands apart from laser treatments in that it is not selective, ensuring safety across all Fitzpatrick skin types.

    What Does Ultherapy Do?

    Ultherapy treats the following:

    • Early signs of aging
    • Loose skin on face and neck
    • Scarring, from acne or injuries
    • Wrinkles and fine lines
    • Overall skin texture

    Bear in mind that the information shared here is for informational purposes only. Your actual treatment plan will depend on several factors, including your specific goals, overall health, and individual risk profile.

    During your consultation, our experts will determine the most suitable course of action and potential alternatives for your desired outcome.

    How Long Will Ultherapy Results Last?

    Right after treatment, you'll notice some tightening effects, and these effects continue to improve over the next 6 to 8 months due to increased collagen production in your body.

    Age, depth of treatment, and adherence to post-treatment instructions also influence how quickly you’ll see results.

    What To Expect After Ultherapy

    ultherapy skin tightening before and after
    Ultherapy: Before and After

    After your treatment, you may notice an immediate tightening of the skin in the treated area. You might also experience mild redness, swelling and/or tingling. These are perfectly normal and should wear out in a short time.

    Here are other things to note during the post-treatment phase:

    • Avoid direct sun exposure. If sun exposure cannot be avoided, we recommend using sunscreen with SPF 30 or SPF 50 to shield your skin.
    • If you’re taking any medications, discuss during your consultation.
    • Avoid specific skincare products as prescribed for the time being.
    • Follow the exact post-treatment instructions based on your consultation because this can be individualized based on your medical history, age etc. An example is the use of your vitamins for optimal healing.

    Get Your Complimentary Consultation at Beacon Dermatology

    consult with beacon dermatology
    Book your complimentary consultation at Beacon Dermatology!

    Ultherapy is an exceptional non-surgical choice for rejuvenating and tightening the skin, providing a safe avenue to boost self-confidence and embrace a refreshed version of yourself.

    For us at Beacon Dermatology, Ultherapy is still the gold standard treatment for skin tightening. It’s especially effective when combined with microneedling.

    Whether you’re ready to embark on a full treatment with us or you still have some questions you’d like answered, chat with us to discuss your potential options. Our team of experts will help you make a fully informed decision.

    We’re excited to speak with you soon.


    Note that this blog is purely for educational purposes. During your consultation, you can get more personalized details and clarification.

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