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    What Age to Get Botox

    Posted on September 2, 2024
    by Beacon Derm

    Botox is a minimally invasive way to combat common skin concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles. Botox injections work well to relax your facial muscles and prevent wrinkles from deepening over time.

    Botox is a versatile cosmetic treatment, too: it caters to various age groups and helps them achieve their desired outcomes based on their specific skincare needs. An individual with forehead wrinkles at 20, for instance, will benefit from Botox just as equally as a 67-year-old who wants to smooth the deep wrinkles that have developed around her eyes.  

    Since Botox can be used in both preventive and corrective contexts, Botox recipients benefit from the option of addressing both early and advanced signs of aging. The impressive results afford every age group a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

    Many people often wonder when to get Botox. If they have jowls in their 20s, should they plan to get Botox at 30, or should they start receiving preventative Botox injections as soon as possible?

    “When should you start Botox?” is a great question—and we’re happy to provide valuable insights into Botox injections as they relate to your age. Whether you do get Botox at 30 or are wondering, “How often should you get Botox in your 50s?” We'll explain how timing works to your advantage, plus discuss the benefits of Botox based on your current age group.

    Preventative vs. Regular Botox

    First thing’s first: what is preventative Botox, and how does it differ from regular, corrective Botox? This is a common question, and one that’s often asked alongside, “When should you start Botox?” 

    Regular Botox is designed to treat already established fine lines and wrinkles. This type of Botox is generally the best Botox for seniors because it effectively targets deeper wrinkles and provides a more pronounced smoothing effect.

    Preventative Botox, on the other hand, is recommended for younger age groups—those individuals who might very well might be typing “jowls in 20s,” “forehead wrinkles at 20,” “crows feet in your 20s,” or “smile lines at 20” into their search engines. Think of preventative Botox as an early treatment method—one that will prevent deep wrinkles from forming as you continue to age.

    When to start Botox has a lot to do with whether you’ll be getting preventative Botox or regular Botox because your age influences the treatment plan and number of injections.

    Ideal Age for Botox: Recommendations by Decade

    Since you’re wondering what age to start Botox and Beacon Dermatology cares about giving you all the information you need regarding the best age to start Botox, we’ll use this section to break down when to get Botox by age group.


    If you’re battling forehead wrinkles at 20 or smile lines at 20, you would benefit from preventative Botox injections so you can stop those skin issues from progressing. We get it: it’s not fun to have jowls in your 20s, or look in the mirror every day and feel like you look much older than you are. People in their 20s respond well to preventative Botox, which is why it has surged in popularity. Even if your smile lines at 20 are mild, preventative Botox can rejuvenate your appearance. Getting Botox after 20 years of age signifies that you’re taking a proactive approach when it comes to anti-aging, and this should help you maintain a youthful look for decades to come.


    In your 30s, it’s common to notice the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. You may blame it on raising children or a stressful job that you have, but the truth is, crows feet and smile lines can start to chip away at how you see yourself, and you deserve to feel just as beautiful as you do in your 30s as you did in your 20s. Receiving preventative Botox at 30—and targeting those crows feet and brow lines—can significantly delay the onset of deep wrinkles and fine lines, making this the best age to start Botox if you want to feel refreshed and self-assured.


    Botox in your 40s can be considered both corrective and preventative. That’s because in your 40s, crows feet, smile lines and forehead wrinkles have likely developed, especially if you did not receive preventative Botox in your 20s or 30s. You might even have noticeable signs of aging around your jawline and neck. Now is the time to prevent and correct skin issues from deepening as you enter your 50s, 60s, and beyond. All your specific areas of concern can be corrected using Botox injections, and these injections will succeed in playing a preventative role in reducing the appearance of annoying fine lines and wrinkles.


    Many people rely on Botox when they reach their 50s. That’s because this is a decade in which fine lines and wrinkles become far more pronounced than they were in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s. How often should you get Botox in your 50s? Well, that depends on how much elasticity and collagen your skin has lost. We must also take into consideration sun exposure, genetics, and lifestyle habits (smoking, for instance) because those all play a role in how your skin looks in your 50s. Botox in your 50s typically involves targeting crows feet, frown lines, brow lines, smile lines, and upper lip lines. If you’ve been wondering when to start Botox and you’re in your 50s, we suggest starting it now—the sooner you begin getting corrective Botox, the sooner you’ll see improvement in your skin’s tone and texture.


    In your 60s and wondering when to start Botox? It’s never too early or too late, especially if you find that you’re often frustrated by fine lines, wrinkles, bags or dark circles under your eyes, sagging skin, and an uneven skin tone. This decade marks a period wherein you might begin to look tired even if you’re well slept. That said, this is definitely the best age to start Botox if you haven’t already! Botox injections will be a powerful tool for facial rejuvenation, and it can also complement other anti-aging treatments such as dermal fillers and skin boosters, both of which are also offered at Beacon Dermatology in Calgary.

    70s and Beyond

    The older you get, the wiser you are, of course! A wise decision for an individual in their 70s would be to receive regular Botox injections. Your dermatologist can create a personalized timeline when it comes to injection frequency—you may, for instance, benefit most from receiving injections every six months or even three months, depending on the severity of your skin concerns. Botox can still be a beneficial option for individuals in their 70s and beyond because it can soften visible lines and wrinkles and make those issues less bothersome for you.

    Safety and Efficacy

    Botox is a neuromodulator that was originally developed in the late 1970s to treat eye muscles post-retinal detachment surgery. Over the course of more than four decades, Botox has become a reliable and safe injection that’s used both therapeutically and cosmetically.

    Botox has been approved for use by Health Canada to treat cosmetic concerns such as smile lines, crows feet, jowls, and forehead wrinkles, among other concerns related to natural aging. Botox injections are safe and effective but must be administered only by qualified health professionals who have been trained in the delivery of these injections.

    According to Health Canada, dermal fillers such as Botox are “popular and widely used.” Even though there’s a risk of experiencing adverse side effects, a majority of patients report mild and temporary side effects. “The whole truth about botulinum toxin – a review” by authors Henryk Witmanowski and Katarzyna Błochowiak appears on National Library of Medicine’s website; at the conclusion of the piece, the authors state: “Thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the muscles being treated is imperative to avoid serious adverse events, especially those resulting from generalized diffusion.”

    This is why it’s important to receive Botox injections from a reputable clinic like ours. Should you have concerns about Botox injections, please share those concerns with us during your consultation so we can address them and calm any fears you may have so you can pursue your Botox treatments with confidence regardless of your age and the specific areas we’ll be targeting as part of your personalized treatment plan.

    Botox Myths vs. Facts

    Since Botox has been on the market for a few decades, it comes as no surprise that there are many myths associated with this cosmetic injection. Many of these myths are age-related.

    At Beacon Dermatology, some clients ask, “Does Botox makes you age faster?” The answer is no, Botox does not make you age faster. What does make you age faster is sun exposure (on this note, please be sure to wear sunscreen every day!) and lifestyle factors such as smoking.

    Another common misconception about Botox is that if you get Botox after 20 years, you'll become "addicted" to it. This isn't true. Botox is a temporary treatment, and its effects gradually wear off. While many people find the results satisfying and choose to continue treatments, there's no physical dependence associated with Botox.

    Choosing the Right Practitioner

    We mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating: Botox injections should be administered by a professional skin care expert in a sanitary environment. Choosing the right practitioner and clinic for your injections will ensure that you can enjoy natural-looking results with minimal side effects.

    At Beacon Dermatology, we put your safety and your comfort first. Our team is well-versed in not only administering Botox injections but also creating personalized treatment plans and suggesting complementary skin treatments that can make you look your best and brightest.


    Can you be too young for Botox? 

    Yes, you can be too young for Botox if you are younger than age 18. Most clinics have established a strict age limit for cosmetic Botox injections because facial features can change significantly during adolescence, and early Botox injections might not be helpful for young people whose faces have not yet reached full maturity.

    Is there an age when Botox is no longer effective? 

    If you have smile lines at 20 and begin undergoing preventative Botox, you may wonder if Botox becomes less effective as you age. The answer is that Botox remains an effective tool as long as you keep up with your regular injection schedule. At Beacon Dermatology, we can work with you to establish a Botox injection timeline, which would include adjusting your treatment plan if/when necessary.

    What are the long-term effects of starting Botox young? 

    If you start preventative Botox at 30, you might worry that by the time you’re 50, receiving Botox after 20 years will have been more hurtful than helpful. The truth is, there’s no need to worry about any long-term side effects; patients who have used Botox for many years report continued satisfaction with their skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance.

    Your Personalized Botox Plan

    When to start Botox is a personal decision, and at Beacon Dermatology, our skilled dermatologists can help you determine when you should start Botox based on the severity of your fine lines/wrinkles and your personal aesthetic goals.

    We’ve thoroughly answered the question, “When should you start Botox?” but we want to add that at Beacon Dermatology, we believe that the best age to start Botox is not necessarily represented by a specific number but by the age you are when you begin looking more closely at the mirror and find yourself scrutinizing the inevitable signs of aging.

    You really do deserve to feel beautiful inside and out. That’s why we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Beacon Dermatology so we can discuss when you should start Botox and create a personalized Botox plan that aligns with your age and skin concerns.

    Call us at 587-391-3665 or fill out our online submission form so we can meet with you, conduct a thorough evaluation of your skin, and recommend when to start Botox so you can take advantage of all the benefits this injectable treatment can offer you now and well into the future.

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